Intelligent Driving Dataset of Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences: CDBV

Intelligent driving technology is increasingly relying on learning methods. The datasets used for learning are very critical resources and often the key factor that restricts the performance of methods. To diversify the public driving datasets, and to provide data support for researches on the intelligent vehicles moving on bike lanes such as wheelchairs, bikes and some robots, we create the CDBV (Chinese Driving from a Bike View), which is a public driving dataset collected on a bike platform in Beijing, China. The CDBV dataset contains annotated images, raw videos and code tools. The annotations are for the object detection tasks, and especially focus on the categories with Chinese characteristics including the express tricycles, the motorbikes specializing in takeouts, the bicycle landmarks, the zebra crossings and the traffic lights. We totally annotated 40064 traffic elements in 13427 images.

More information can be found in our published paper. To obtain CDBV dataset, sign the license agreement, and send a scanned copy to